CNC Milling: The Causes and Effects of Built-Up Edge | Epic Tool
Epic Tool

CNC Milling: The Causes and Effects of Built-Up Edge

Carbide End Mills

Like any heavy machine manufacturing, designing, or building, there is always the risk of error. That is why if you are looking to order custom carbide tools, it is imperative you choose a manufacturer who is heavily experienced in the trade. One common risk of improper CNC milling is dealing with built-up edges during your process. This blog article will explain what that is, how it is caused, and how to remove the risk of it altogether.

What is BUE: Built-Up Edge in CNC Machining?

The accumulated debris from the milling process material is known as built-up edge or, BUE. This destructive material typically detaches from the chip and wilds under the consistent pressure of milling. Over time and excess accumulation, this can alter the symmetry and geometry of the cutting edge, resulting in less clean and sharp carbide tool cuts or whatever material the machinist is working with. Being aware of the risk of BUE is the first step in avoiding the risk and running a successful CNC shop.

How is BUE Caused?

The structure and highly detailed geometry of the cutting tool is reshaped as material builds up. This results in loss of dimension control. When working pieces break off from the cutting tool, it attaches to the workpiece and begin to scratch the surface. The more BUE, the rougher the tool will be, ultimately resulting in a poorly-made tool piece.

Problems Built-Up Edge Creates for Machine Operators

Excessive built-up edge causes dimensional and geometric inaccuracies and the possibility of having to throw the whole tool piece out and restart. For an experienced CNC shop, the built-up edge is part of the common knowledge and is very easy to spot. By noticing the signs, machinists can refrain from experiencing the following problems:

  • Reduced part quality
  • Poor client satisfaction
  • Surface finishes that are not smooth
  • Tools with a shorter life-span
  • Less tool durability and strength
  • A lack of geometric accuracy

How to Reduce BUE

By working with a skilled CNC machinist who is aware and knowledgeable of the risks of machining with a CNC machine, it is unlikely BUE will impact your tools. Cleaning the workspace, working with highly polished and sharp tools, high cutting speeds, a proper application plan, sufficient coolant, and a highly experienced machinist will ensure you do not experience the negative outcomes of surplus built-up edge.

Why You Should Call Epic Tool for Your Custom Carbide Tools 

Epic Tool is a Canadian-based carbide tool manufacturer and proudly serves highly-regarded manufacturing industries with the highest quality of carbide tools. We have a team of dedicated CNC and carbide experts, here to advise you on the best tools for your trade. Contact us today to learn more!